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Cardinal Health Digital Ads

Cardinal Health utilizes online publications (such as Becker's Hospital Review) and social media (primarily LinkedIn and Facebook) to advertise to their core audiences across the medical and pharmaceutical industries. This audience is responsible for making key decisions within their health systems for using products and services that Cardinal Health offers. Sample display ads for these potential customers can be seen below.

White and red Cardinal Health social graphic featuring a medical professional with wearing a face mask, reads "Conserve space, reduce cost. Monoject."
White and red Cardinal Health social graphic with pie graph that reads "49% reduction in NSI rates in hospitals where safety engineered devices were introduced. Monoject."
White and red Cardinal Health social graphic featuring a close-up of a tympanic thermometer, reading "The new face of Genius. Discover Genius 3."
White and red Cardinal Health social graphic that reads "32% increase in needlestick injuries in hospitals since 2001. American Journal of Infection Control, 2006. Monoject."
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