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Paragen Technologies

ParaGen Technologies is a medical technology company focused on diverse clinical areas. At the time that I worked with this brand, ParaGen had three main portfolio companies: Vascular Genesis, Atreon Orthopedics, and RenovoDerm.


I designed the brand identity for ParaGen and worked with the existing branding of the individual portfolio companies to create marketing material, signage, and packaging.​ Packaging was created for each sub-company's key product: Atlas Scaffold for Atreon Orthopedics, Hydra for Vascular Genesis, and Phoenix Wound Matrix for RenovoDerm.

ParaGen Technologies logo, 3 hexagons in various shades of blue intersecting to create a cube.
Vascular Genesis logo. Yellow line intersecting dark blue and teal text.
Atreon Orthopedics logo. Purple gradient lines intersecting at a top point to create an A or triangle shape.
RenovoDerm logo. Brown text with the V in orange.

Retractible banners

ParaGen banner with hexagonal pattern and blue icons that reads, "Redifining tissue engineering. ParaGen Technologies. ParaGen is the parent of a growing family of companies focused on diverse clinical areas including wound care, orthopedics, peripheral vascular, and hernia repair. Strong IP portfolio. Manufacturing compliance. Experienced team. Singificant supporting data."
Vascular Geneis banner with dark blue baground and white lines at the top and bottom, which reads, "Vascular Genesis. Revolutionizing the vascular conduit replacement market."
Atreon Orthopedics banner with a purple triangle pattern and a gray background, which reads, "Atreon Orthopedics. Healing for orthopedic injuries."
RenovoDerm banner with orange, red, and brown geometric shapes and a white microscopic view of tissue overlayed in the background. The text reads, "RenovoDerm. Supporting healthy tissue growth. Promoting the faster healing of wounds."

Product packaging

Atreon Orthopedic product packaging for Atlas Scaffold. Purple triangle pattern around the edges with product care information and a blank spot for a bar code.
Vascular Genesis product packaging for Hydra. Teal and dark blue lines around the border of the packaging with product care information and a blank spot for a bar code.
RenovoDerm product packaging for Phoenix Wound Matrix. Orange, red, and brown geometric patterns bordering product care information and a blank spot for a bar code.
Image of the suite of RenovoDerm Phoenix Wound Matrix product materials, including a product box, pouch, and instructions for use.


ParaGen website home page. White microscopit tissue background with blue text, reading "Redefining tissue engineering."
ParaGen website page with a white background and the logo mark in blue, reading "Who we are" ParaGen Technologies is the parent of a growing family of companies focused on diverse clinical areas including wound care, orthopedics, peripheral vascular, and hernia repair. ParaGen Technoloies aims to redefine tissue engineering by addressing the problems associated with synthetic and biologic impants; while incorporating their advantages. The company is utilizing synthetic nanofiber scaffolds that promote healing by mimicking the physical structures found naturally in the body. ParaGen Technologies is launching medical device companies that tailor this technology to meet the needs of specific clinical verticals."
ParaGen webiste page with a white background and icons in different shades of blue. It reads "Our Model. Intellectual property: Access to 33 issued and pending patents + exclusive license to the field of use. Manufacturing facility: Full QMS system compliant. Recomended for ISO certification. Experienced team: Experience developing medical devices and the regulatory process. Supporting data: Data generated by each company supports the other ParaGen companies."
ParaGen website page featuring a graph that shows the progress of the 3 key ParaGen products: Phoenix Wound Matrix, Atlas Scaffold, and Hydra. Phoenix is at the "FDA Submission and Review" stage, Atlas is at "Pre-Clinical Engineering Development", and Hydra is half way in between "Concept and Design" and "Pre-Clinical Engineering Development".
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